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The history teacher announced that the students who could tell her the source of the following famous quotes would be allowed to go home early. "The first quote is: 'Four score and seven years ago...'"

Cathy raised her and and answered "Abe Lincoln".

"Very good Cathy, you may go home," said the teacher. "The next quote is 'Give me liberty or give me..."

Jane raised her hand and blurted out "Patrick Henry."

"Very good Jane, you may also leave."

Meanwhile a boy had his hand up in the back of the room the whole time and the teacher never acknowledged him and she said that would be all for the day. She proceeded to write something on the board when the boy said "Stupid Bitches (women) if it weren't for them none of this ever would've happened" The teacher turned around and said "Who said that!" The boy blurts out "Bill Clinton now can I go home!"

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