Increase traffic to your web
site through banner advertising!
Studies have shown that banner
advertising increases brand awareness of your product which leads
to brand loyalty and the potential to increase your sales.
Where you advertise is as important
as what you say. When you advertise on Mefco's Random Joke Server,
your message is reaching people who are between tasks. Their
minds are open, and they have the time to read and respond to
your banner.
Advertise elsewhere and you may
be wasting impressions on people who are
preoccupied with searching the web for specific information.
They won't be reading any ads until they find what they were
looking for.
We have prices for as low as
$5 USD per thousand banner impressions, and we have plans to
suit a variety of budgets.
For further information, please
fill out the form below, or contact us via E-Mail at: sales@randomjoke.com.
Should your browser not support forms, please be sure to include
as much requested information as possible when sending E-Mail.
Please note that label fields that are required are designated
by an asterix "*".